November 24th, 2022

Check out my new youtube video hereYeticon 2023 looks to be heading in a new and somewhat strange direction In a move to reduce costs we assume they are restructuring the event to be barebones but is the removal of everything that made the convention amazing essentially making it not a convention at all? This is the perspective from a couple w...

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  November 11th, 2022

Check out my new youtube video herePhi Foolery Phil Adam recently took a break from ignoring everyone's calls to speak with Smash JT In this video we will be taking a look at Smash JT's Video and giving our input on the direction of Intellivision Again we all know this is a sinking ship but like a train in a slow motion crash, you just can't l...

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  November 5th, 2022

Check out my new youtube video hereIn this video lets have a chat about the failure that is Intellivision Amico and how major influencers like John Riggs played a role in dabbing on the haters yet have no accountability now that the console is clearly a failure What do you think? Let us know in the comments Your feedback is the only way we can...

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  November 4th, 2022

Check out my new youtube video hereHideo Kojima's new game has leaked online through some weird tripple recorded footage Join us as we react to the footage (no footage shown) and talk about the game and just Kojima in general Have you seen it yet? Your feedback is the only way we can improve the channel so we encourage you to leave a comment ...

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